Day Care Surgery

Children are best treated at home, in familiar surroundings with their individual set routine and in the loving arms of their parents. We try to limit the amount of unnecessary time spent in a hospital by admitting the child in the morning and discharging him/her on the same day in the afternoon.

Types of Day Surgeries

  • Inguinal Herniotomy
  • Umbilical hernia repair
  • Circumcision
  • Dermoid/ lump excision
  • Orchidopexy
  • Corn excision
  • Tongue tie release (Ankyloglossia repair)
  • CLW suturing
  • Lymph node biopsy
  • Incision and drainage of abscess


Most parents that I talk to are always, without exception ,worried about anaesthesia. Our patients are children, so our anesthesiologists are specialized pediatric anaesthesiologists who administer anaesthesia exclusively to children. Most surgeries require a General Anaesthesia with a regional block , which means that your child will be completely unconscious during surgery. Our anaesthesiologist will sedate your child before we take him/her to the Operation Theatre , so that crying is minimized and separation from the parents will not cause too much grief. More about pediatric anaesthesia


After consultation, when we plan surgery, you will get a preoperative instructions form which will mention the fasting period, investigations required and an admission note from my clinic.

Then the investigations have to be shared with my assistant and proceed to admission.

The admission is usually one hour before surgery.

After the admission process, you would be guided towards the pre operative area of the Operation Theatre. A friendly anaesthesiologist will talk you through your anaesthesia doubts and administer a sedative (nasal drops or oral syrup) which will make your child drowsy so that he/she is not crying when taken into the Operation Theatre.

After Surgery , children are drowsy and a little disoriented. For day surgeries, they will be able to take liquids orally 2 hours after surgery. We avoid a long fasting period.

The idea of this page is to obviate unnecessary anxiety and make sure that the experience is smooth for you and your child. When parents are upset or anxious, they transmit it to your child and he/she is also anxious and cranky, which makes for a difficult patient
With a little care and love, the day of surgery can be made just a little bit more manageable with smiles, and a positive attitude

If there are any queries, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.







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