Constipation Clinic
This is a very common condition which requires a lot of counseling. Parents or care givers are usually quite frustrated since they have already tried so many methods and laxatives, medicines and nothing seems to work.
Common complaints are
“my child has got an injury at his anus with bleeding because of passing hard stools”
“my child passes stools once in 4-5 days and its very hard”
“my child only eats the day he has passed stools”
“my child doesn’t eat anything , so we give him milk”
“my child doesn’t sit to stool”
“my child does not do potty at one time, but small amounts every few hours”
“There are my in laws/ relatives/grandparents at home who give my child biscuits and chocolates”
The major distinction the doctor has to make is whether it is because of diet and behavioral patterns (Habitual Constipation) or is there an associated medical condition (hypothyroidism, milk protein allergy etc.) or an actual problem at the lower end of gut which requires further looking into ( Hirshsprungs disease or Neuronal intestinal Dysplasia).
Habitual Constipation
This is the commonest cause of constipation in this day and age. It requires a diet modification, behavorial changes, basically a lifestyle change. It also requires a lot of dedication and determination from the parents or caregivers. This is a challenging long route, but there is light at the end of the tunnel and we are with you.
Hirshsprungs disease / Neuronal Intestinal dysplasia
This is a disease in which the lower part of the gastro intestinal tract is deficient of nerve supply, which cause inability of the anal sphincter to relax. This causes inability to pass stools easily. This requires investigations for diagnosis like a dye enema study, followed by a rectal biopsy. This has to be treated surgically.