Antenatal Clinic
An upcoming birth of a child is just a positive exhilarating sense of being , that when the gynaecologist or the sonologist tells a would-be mother that there may be a problem with her unborn baby, it creates immense anxiety and distress.
An antenatal consult with a pediatric surgeon is not required by every expecting mother, but only if the ultrasound is suggestive of an anomaly. And furthermore, consulting a pediatric surgeon does not necessarily mean that your baby will need surgery.
An antenatal meeting just means a discussion with to be parents about the nature of the anomaly, whether it is minor or major, whether there is a ny real danger to the baby and also the further expected course of events. It also means a joint discussion of all the players in the team who will treat the mother and child, i.e the gynaecologist, neonatologist , perinatologist and pediatric surgeon.